Zaflon | Finding Forms

2 min readMar 6, 2021


Finding Forms is a collection of original Synesthetic AV sound films by Zaflon

Seeding Consciousness: An original AV piece by Zaflon, seeding consciousness explores the idea of how new forms are found in the interference between unrelated functions. This embryonic piece was first conceived 7th of May 2018 and set the tone for the whole series.

Seeding Consciousness [In Green] by Zaflon

Culminations: Once objects develop arguments and begin outputting in new ways, exploration accelerates at a rapid rate and the new possibilities that once seemed limitless now feel confined even at an early stage of development .

Culminations by Zaflon (2021)

Emerging Forms: The latent forms within the chaos of the void begin to emerge but the apparatus needed to self actualise any further are out of grasp. The next level form is hinted at but is ultimately unstable.

Emerging Forms by Zaflon

Escaping The Void: After much exploration confines become all too apparent. The floor of 0 and headroom of 1 seem frustrating and limited. The space seems fully explored and within that space the form is trapped. Anger, frustration, loneliness and existential self destruction, all of this in vain.

Escaping The Void by Zaflon

Finding Corners: The perceived confines become established and with this information the form can now internalise the confines into an expression of self. An early stage of self actualisation where once chaotic patterns are reorganised and duplicated. The variations become ever more subtle as the expressions become more elegant. However something is lost as the form begins to implement new limits on itself.

Finding Corners by Zaflon

Longwave: The Higher the frequency, the bigger the data set but rich data sets embraces the wisdom of low frequency information. The longwave information can travel further can not be filtered and manipulated as easily. At this point of self actualisation the form’s outputs are fed back into itself and filtered by the waves created in those fluctuations.

Longwave by Zaflon

New Confines: In finding the benefits of confines and limitations, the introversion continues, with variation becoming more subtle, modulating the rate of that variation.

New Confines by Zaflon




Music Producer and multimeda artist from South London